Cognimate is a special glove and a set of cognitive games which helps patients to recover neuroplasticity, fine motor skills and mental activity. The solution is FDA registered and is clinically proven to be more efficient compared to conventional therapy
Cognimate is the result of many years of work by team of researchers, neurologists, therapists, hardware and software engineers. The solution shows incredibly high efficiency in restoring patient fine motor skills, cognitive functions, emotional state which is proved by several independent researches.
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Rehabilitation indications:
• brain/spinal cord injuries
• hand rehabilitation post injuries and operations
• cerebral palsy
• post-traumatic neuropathies of the ulnar and radial nerves
• multiple sclerosis
• Parkinson’s disease
• muscular dystrophy
Correctional pedagogy indications:
• psychomotor development problems
• cognitive impairment
• dyspraxia
• prolonged immobilization of the upper limb
• impaired writing
The rehabilitation is based on the principles of neuroplasticity of the brain, gamification, biofeedback, and patented methodology.
The patient plays exercising games where controls are based on wrist and palm movements. Movements are detected by special haptic glove, which automatically adjusts game difficulty to each patient abilities and precisely monitors patients rehabilitation process.
The process is very easy and relies on portable hardware that can be used completely remotely at home without the supervision of physiotherapist.