Modern solution for
motor skills rehabilitation

Cognimate is a special glove and a set of cognitive games which helps patients to recover neuroplasticity, fine motor skills and mental activity. The solution is FDA listed and is clinically proven to be more efficient compared to conventional therapy

Cognimate Platform

  • Lowers labor cost for medical staff by reducing operational time for each patient
  • Generates additional revenue from additional CPT codes
  • Quickens patient rehabilitation process
  • Encourages additional visits by offering an enjoyable, technology-driven service that patients recommend
Cognimate would help patients to
  • Improve fine motor skills
    Cognimate adjust to patients abilities and quickly helps to return motor skills to normal level. In just 1 months of training patients get 25% improvement on average, their quality of live (HRQoL) increases by 35%, their abilities for daily activities (Barthel index) increase up to 60%.
  • Improve emotional state and cognitive function
    Cognimate is significantly more efficient in cognitive function recovery compared to conventional post-stroke therapy: Researches show that 54% patients return to normal cognitive function in just a month, compared to 22% of conventional therapy results. It also makes you happier - emotional state increases 2 times in just 2 weeks of training. 100% of patients rated the product and treatment process positively during the trials.
  • Continue training at home
    The system is super easy to use - patients can continue training at home without regular supervision, which can be provided as additional service
Frequently Asked Questions
© 2024 Cognimate Inc,
200 Continental Drive, Suite 401, Newark, Delaware 19713

Cognimate/SensoRehab Glove is an FDA registered device #3025590435,
Cognimate LLC is an FDA registered operator #3025583706